Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Walking and Talking, Clapping and Tapping

Someone said a wise thing to me recently. "Walking is a long process." As new parents we were convinced several times (starting at nine months) that she was on the verge of walking. She'd pull herself up or take a step around the couch and "she'll be walking any time now!" We laugh now at our naivete. We're in no rush for her to walk; we're enjoying the stages as they come. But we eagerly await every little thing she does.

It's amazing how each day brings something new. As I was saying in this post, Emily recently learned to clap. She even knows the word for it. If we say "clap" or "yay" she'll often clap in response. A couple of weeks ago (you know, when I started writing this post) she was just starting to stand for a second or two by herself. Then one day, she pushed herself up and clapped with an excited smile before quickly holding on again. It's crazy how such a "little" thing is such a big, happy, proud moment for all of us!

Yesterday we played a game where I tapped my feet, then clapped, then raised my hands and said hurray. I kept doing it and encouraging her. She thought the tapping was fascinating, kept pointing or patting my feet to do it. Then she would clap and put her hands up with me. I could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

Yesterday was a big day because she also became a standing pro. She was crab walking (another newish thing) and pushed herself to a standing position and stood proudly for about 10 seconds. She did this all afternoon, sometimes practicing, sometimes doing it unconsciously. She even picked something up without holding on. There's so much we do without thinking, but it's so new and wonderful for them (and those of us watching).

I was thinking that she might really, truly be on the verge of walking. I was also thinking, I hope her Daddy is around when it happens because he is just as excited about everything she does as I am. So this morning, I get up and Daddy proudly tells me that she took two steps! Little stinker, she did it without me!!

To make up for it, when she saw me, she crawled over using her first word "Mama-mama-mama." Music to my ears.


  1. It's a trade off. :) Congrats on a walking, talking baby! You need to start hiding stuff on higher shelves because, you know, climbing is now the first priority. :P

    1. That's so true. Now she is climbing into the rocker which makes our heart stop when she tries to stand up!
