Tuesday, July 31, 2012


It's been a busy summer! Emily has been busy walking running, exploring and talking! Mommy has been busy chasing the happy little scamp! Which means we have been having too much fun to blog. (Also translated as Mama is exhausted!)

Now that Emily can talk, we've been having even more fun reading. One of her words is "story" or "store-ee." She points to a book and says "store-ee" and then does the sign for please. (Makes this storytime mom very proud. Sniff.)

Here's one of our favorites: Moo, Baa, La La La! by Sandra Boynton

Me: A cow says...

Emily: Moo!

M: A sheep says...

E: Baaaa

M: Three singing pigs say la, la, la! "No, No!" You say...

E: NO!

M: Pigs say...

E: Kk! [oink in Emily-speak]

M: ...little dogs go..

E: Ffff! [Woof]

M: ...and cats and kittens say...

E: Eow [Meow]

M: Quack, says the duck

E Kk! [quack]

M: ...a horse says...

E: Nay

M: It's quiet now, what do you say?

E: Store-ee