Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm back

Wow, six weeks without a post! I knew blogging was hard when I decided to start this, but I thought I was up to the challenge. I planned to blog 6 or 7 days a week, or maybe 5, er, how 'bout 3 times? Sheesh!

All I can say for myself is --  it's been busy.

Emily has been busy crawling, exploring, teething, climbing, reading, playing, standing, cruising, laughing, singing, babbling...  You know, Normal Baby Stuff.

Mom has been busy chasing, baby proofing, chasing, laundry, cleaning, chasing, reading, laughing, laundry, not sleeping, enjoying my daughter... You know, Normal Mom Stuff.

I will say, in my defense, that with all the exploring going on, it's all but impossible to be on the computer for more than 5 minutes at a time while she is awake. (She wants to eat the computer for one thing.) And since she flat out refuses to take a nap in her crib, I can only do this (and a million other things) at night when she sleeps. Yes, I know, welcome to the world of momhood! I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, these are my reasons for not blogging recently. Nothing earth shattering. Just me learning to be a mom and juggling all the new things that come along. Making memories rather than recording them.

But now I am back. For how long or how often I can't say. If you don't see me for a while, I am off playing with my daughter.