Sunday, February 12, 2012

Simon Says

The other day Emily was eating dinner and as usual was telling me about her day or what she thought about her dinner or some philosophical idea she had. I really have no idea what she was saying because I have not yet learned the complex language of toddlers. But she really had a lot to say. Then she started playing with sounds. To the uninitiated, all her babbling might sound like nonsense. But there is a difference, sometimes subtle, between communication and sheer joy at making noise. Sometimes when she is playing this game, I play along and try to imitate the noise she is making. This often makes her laugh.

This particular day, after imitating her a couple of times, I made a different noise. She paused and echoed it back. It's so cute when she does this, but usually she it doesn't last long until she's on to something else. But this day was different. Each time I made a different noise, she paused and did her best to mimic me. Then I shook my head, which is one of her new things, and she did it back. On to nodding and then the big challenge, clapping. Clapping is something she's only done a couple of times. But she was game and paused just a bit before clapping with a huge grin and giggle. She was so proud of herself for clapping she did this the rest of the night. It's now become her new favorite thing. It's especially funny when she she is in the middle of doing something else and tries to clap at the same time.

It's just such a sweet and cherished thing to have these moments together. All these little accomplishments and connections. So blessed... I am clapping with her every step of the way.

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