Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pease Porridge Hot

"Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, pease porridge in a pot, nine days old.
Some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it in the pot, nine days old." ~Traditional

Today was a big day for Emily.

We've been going along, "playing the rice cereal game," as my husband calls it, for some time. She was always game to play it. (You are putting something in my mouth, not taking it out!? Yay.) She finally got the hang of eating it, without 98% of it on her face. So recently we switched to oatmeal cereal. This was suddenly exciting. She liked oatmeal. Really liked it. She'd figured out this eating thing, and was all in. We've got a good eater on our hands, I thought to myself. (How naive.)

Today it was time to start a new food. Her first vegetable. What to pick...peas are sweet, right? Let's start with that. Instead of oatmeal, we'll go with rice again. Rice and peas sounded better than peas and oatmeal, to me. (This is foreshadowing, take note.)

She sat in her high chair, with an expectant smile. So sweet, so trusting.

In goes the rice. Hmm, not quite so enthusiastic, but so far, so good.

Then the peas. She gives me a started, huh? but decides it's worth a try for a few more bites.

That was short lived when she gives me a look of astonished distaste. "What are feeding me, mom?!" It was the astonished part that really got me. I so wish I had a camera.

"Pease porridge hot, pease porridge cold, ...Some like it hot..." Some like it NOT.

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