Thursday, February 16, 2012


When Emily was about four months old we could put her in her crib awake. She would sweetly smile, turn her head and go to sleep. We were thrilled.

That lasted about 2 weeks.

Now she can be completely asleep -- it doesn't matter for how long--and she will sense when we move anywhere in the near vicinity of the crib. Screams. Move away--peaceful angel.  Make the same movement toward anything else. Silence. Move toward the crib. Shrieks. Move away. Sigh of contentment. (How do they know?)

So when she falls asleep in her high chair, I take a picture. To be used as blackmail  a reminder of her adorableness later.

She does take naps in other places too, her favorite being anyone's willing arms... Failing that, she'll sleep in her bouncy chair.

Lucky for us, she sleeps through the night and has for several months, barring an odd night here or there. But a few weeks ago, for about a week, she was ready to party all night after sleeping for 5 minutes. We finally got out the carrier. Some pictures are worth a thousand words.


  1. I thought I'd left this comment already, but apparently that was just my imagination! I loved this post--especially that last photo. I called Adam over to take a look at it. He smiled and could only shake his head at the daddy-daughter bonding moment.

    1. So glad you liked it! I'm sure you've all had these moments, too. I just saw your comment now, for some reason I'm no longer getting notification of new comments, sorry it took so long to reply.
