Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Baby/Toddler Book Club

Today Emily and I went to a Baby/Toddler Book Club. This was such a fun playdate idea! It was developed by Mommy T, a very creative mom, who hosts it monthly at her home. It's generally the under 3 crowd, but all ages are welcome. Kids play and moms chat for a while, until it is time for the books. There is a snack and sometimes a simple craft. Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite book from home based on the month's theme. Today's theme was animals and Mommy T had a collection of stuffed animals that the children could choose to hold while the books were being read. Then the moms all took turns sharing their books.

Emily was more interested in emptying the stuffed animal bin than listening to books today, but Mommy T did get her attention when she let her pet the textured touch-and-feel book she was reading. When I worked as a librarian, I often had to reassure parents of little ones that it doesn't matter if it seems their child isn't listening. Even when they don't sit still and pay attention to the book, they are still taking it in. Being busy is an important part of the way they learn. Emily enjoyed touching all the animals.

She did suddenly stop and intently look and listen when Mommy T read
Moo, Baa, La, La, La by Sandra Boynton.
I don't know if it was coincidence or because we have this book and read it a lot, but Emily was very interested for the whole story. If you haven't read Sandra Boynton, you need check her out! Her books are simple and very funny for both children and adults. This one is a story in rhyme with lots of chance for making animal noises.

Another book that was shared today was Poke-a-Dot! Old MacDonalds's Farm
This is the traditional "Old MacDonald" song with a twist. Each two page spread has different animals--10 cows, 9 pigs, etc. There is a button to poke to help with counting all the animals. The older children took turns counting on each page. The singing got Emily's attention and she looked at me and smiled several times.

The baby/toddler book club is an event we will attend regularly. I plan to host my own sometime, too! Thanks, Mommy T for the fabulous idea! (Read more about her book clubs and other creative ideas at

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